
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The terrorists are unmindful of the grief they cause by death and injuries because they are insane, but how about our rulers.

Terrorists belonging to someinsane barbaric group have attacked innocent people at Delhi High Court today, witha bomb; causing deaths and injuries. These barbarians have achieved nothing but for universal blame and condemnation, bytheir inhuman, uncivilized and cowardly act and yet they might be rejoicingover the blood they have shed for reasons only such terrorists and their insaneswine-headed leaders can understand. 12 persons are killed and 76 people areinjured, causing tremendous amount of grief and sorrow to the victims, theirfamilies, relatives and friends. We are all disturbed by such violentincidents; as precious lives are lost or maimed and the victims and theirfamilies suffer for years to come.
Similarly all civilizedpeople all over the world would certainly be disturbed by such terrorist attacks,but how about our rulers. They continue to give stereotype explanations, lecturesand assurances after every such incident, without sincerely trying to do theirbest in prevention of such crimes against society. And when terrorists arecaught by our brave officers, our rulers seem to have no will to expeditiouslyand severely punish the perpetrators of such crimes.
I think we should strengthenour intelligence gathering for detection and prevention of such crimes. Topclass security arrangements should be made at all public places - similar to whatour Ministers, MPs and MLAs are provided round the clock and at their houses.And when the terrorists and their sympathizers are caught a swift and severepunishment must be rendered. Everything possible to deter such crime should betaken up. Some countries have been attacked once or twice by terrorists butafter that; the Governments there have been successful in tackling terroristsand preventing such attacks. In this regard, we may learn lessons from countrieslike USA and UK and we may seek their guidance.  I am just an ordinary citizen trying to expressmy anguish over this incident and prevention of such attacks in future.
In conclusion I can only pray– God, bless the victims and their families with courage and strength. God,show no mercy to the attackers, let them be punished here and in hell for theirmisdeeds. And God, bring an end to terrorism, convert terrorists from beasts tocivilized, compassionate human beings.

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