
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Damayanthi Uchuu

Besides that, they have access to those companies data resources so they don t need a warrant or anything but a cheap internet connection to find out every last little thing you have ever done on your phone and computer. It s not cool, and it isn t excusable in any fashion.While I m certain they do collect specific communications, logs and access targeted accounts I don t believe they copy every single bit of data. Unless the NSA is hiding their hard drive and server budget in the DHS s ammo budget where is this massive data center they are housing all this data in? Storing a copy of Google, Apple, Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft s data would require a massive amount of storage in a data center or centers larger than anything we have ever seen before.

Computor Teacher tho Kamam

The NSA is opening a $2 billion data center in Utah later this year. To put that in perspective, Google s huge upgrade to their data center in South Carolina cost $600 million. Besides that, they have access to those companies data resources so they don t need a warrant or anything but a cheap internet connection to find out every last little thing you have ever done on your phone and computer. It s not cool, and it isn t excusable in any fashion.While I m certain they do collect specific communications, logs and access targeted accounts I don t believe they copy every single bit of data. Unless the NSA is hiding their hard drive and server budget in the DHS s ammo budget where is this massive data center they are housing all this data in? Storing a copy of Google, Apple, Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft s data would require a massive amount of storage in a data center or centers larger than anything we have ever seen before.

Lavanya Akka Dengudu III

The spy agency s apparent direct access the FBI is used as an intermediary, but NSA analysts perform the searches appears to be the result of Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which authorizes secret court orders that force U.S. companies to turn over business records. That sweeps in metadata and also the content of confidential communications, including e mail, video and voice chat, videos, and photos, the leaked presentation says.The Washington Post said it received the classified PowerPoint slides about PRISM and other supporting documents from a career intelligence officer who wanted to expose what he believes to be a gross intrusion on privacy. The documents are recent, with dates as recent as April 2013.PRISM access appears intended to be used primarily for NSA agents to monitor the activities non U.S. citizens the majority of Facebook and Gmail users, for instance, live in other countries . But without oversight and other checks, such a powerful capability could be abused

Lavanya Akkatho Dengudu II

NSA s Signals Intelligence Directorate obtained by the Washington Post and the Guardian newspapers.Joe Sullivan, Facebook s chief security officer, said   We do not provide any government organization with direct access to Facebook servers. When Facebook is asked for data or information about specific individuals, we carefully scrutinise any such request for compliance with all applicable laws, and provide information only to the extent required by law.  A Google spokesman said   We disclose user data to government in accordance with the law, and we review all such requests carefully. Excerpt from top-secret PRISM presentation. Click for larger image This afternoon s disclosure of PRISM follows another report yesterday that revealed the existence of another top-secret NSA program that vacuums up records of millions of phone calls made inside the United States.

Lavanya Akkalatho Dengudu I

A top-secret surveillance program gives the National Security Agency surreptitious access to customer information held by Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple, Google, Facebook, and other Internet companies, according to a pair of new reports.The program, code-named PRISM, reportedly allows NSA analysts to peruse exabytes of confidential user data held by Silicon Valley firms by typing in search terms. PRISM reports have been used in 1,477 items in President Obama s daily briefing last year, according to an internal presentation to the NSA s Signals Intelligence Directorate obtained by the Washington Post and the Guardian newspapers.Joe Sullivan, Facebook s chief security officer, said We do not provide any government organization with direct access to Facebook servers. When Facebook is asked for data or information about specific individuals, we carefully scrutinise any such request for compliance with all applicable laws, and provide information only to the extent required by law. A Google spokesman said We disclose user data to government in accordance with the law, and we review all such requests carefully. Excerpt from top-secret PRISM presentation. Click for larger image This afternoon s disclosure of PRISM follows another report yesterday that revealed the existence of another top-secret NSA program that vacuums up records of millions of phone calls made inside the United States.
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