
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Beti Ne Choot De K Sacrifice Kia

"I have to tell you something, Anoop, " my
wife, Kamal, said. She sat across from me over
breakfast. Bright sunlight streamed through the
apartment window behind her back. Kamal looked
stunning as always. She wore just a flimsy chemise
and her cotton panties. That was one thing I liked
about her. She always seemed to be in a state of

"Uh-huh," I said. My head was buried in the
morning paper. I was following up about the story of
the two missing teenage girls. The police had no
clues as yet.

"This is a very serious matter that I want
to tell you. Please put the paper down," Kamal said.
Her silky black shoulder length hair accentuated her
pretty features as I gave her my attention.

"OK. Tell me," I said folding the

"I did something and I want your forgiveness
and understanding, " Kamal started. She clasped her
hands on the table.

My first reaction was that this was going to
cost me money. I braced myself for a substantial
dollar figure accompanied by a no win story.

"When I went to India for Mama's bypass
surgery, Dr. Dinesh was the only doctor who had the
facility and the expertise to handle the operation.
Her chances for making it through was non-existant
with any other heart specialist. Each day the chances
for recovery worsened and it took me three days of
pushing the right buttons just to see the doctor," my
wife said. She gulped down the rest of the orange
juice and proceeded. "When I finally met him, he told
me that he couldn't take any new patients for the next
six months as his calendar was full."

Since my mother in law did have the surgery
and is recovering, I braced myself to hear how my wife
had given the doctor some exorbitant amount of money
to get my mother in law under the knife immediately.
My second thought was that if my wife had given the
respectable doctor a handsome monetary inducement, how
come I wasn't aware of it.

"I was just quiet...sitting in the doctor's
office," Kamal continued. "I couldn't believe my
mother had to die because the doctor was just too
busy. Her situation was so precarious, she couldn't
even travel. Then the doctor said that if I was
willing to give him sexual favors, he will..."

"Wait a minute, " I said. "Is that what the
doctor said. Why didn't you slap that bastard's

"Let me finish, " my wife said. "He said
that he will have my mother's illness immediately
taken care of. However he warned me that since the
whole operation and recovery would take a month, that
I must reside in his house and to be ready to service
him or whoever else upon his instructions."

I studied my twenty- three years old wife and
I couldn't imagine her sleeping with the aged doctor
or anybody else in that case. "So how did you manage
around that proposition? How much money did you
promise the doctor?" I asked. My wife believed that
money grew on trees.

"There was no money exchanged. He didn't
want money. He wanted my body and I had no choice. I
agreed. For twenty-six days and nights he had me, "
Kamal said. She brushed her hair off her face.

I chose my words carefully. "We are not
talking about what you had for dinner last night," I
said. I slammed my fist on the table. "How could you
do this? How the hell could you even consider it."

"Look it wasn't easy doing it but I had no
choice," Kamal said.

"There are always choices. Couldn't you
even have tried other options. Checked the hospitals
in other cities. I cannot believe that you were duped
so easily," I said. I felt sick in my stomach.

"My mother has only me to take care of her.
Even now that she is recovering, there is really no
one to take care of her. I begged her to come to San
Diego but she would not leave. We have people taking
care of her but it is not the same, " Kamal said.

"How could you have given your body so
easily. At least you could have consulted with me
first?" I said. The energy in my body seemed to have
drained out.

"Sure, I could have given you a call and
said, 'Anoop, I have to fuck the doctor so that he
will operate on my mother,'" Kamal said.

"You should be apologizing and instead you
are raising your voice. I should be slapping your
face right now. God dammit! Do you know this changes
everything," I said.

"I wouldn't have told you this if I didn't
believe we could overcome it," Kamal said. She leaned
back on her chair lazily playing with her bowl of

"How would you feel if I had an affair?" I
asked. Although it was getting warm, I didn't move to
open the window.

"This is different. This is called doing
what you had to do. It is called accepting the hand
that you are dealt with," my wife spoke.

"Well it is not possible for me to accept
this situation. I cannot accept the fact that my wife
has been doing who knows what with this so called
respectable surgeon, " I said.

"I will tell you everything that happened,
otherwise I don't think we could ever get back to some
kind of normalcy, " my wife suggested.

"I don't think I want to hear it, " I said.
"Even then how would I know you have told the whole

"When you hear it, you will know that I have
told you everything, " she said.

On that Saturday morning my wife narrated to
me with a lot of graphic details the events that took
place in her twenty- six days as a slut in Dr. Dinesh's
domicile. I was surprised, mesmerized, turned- on and
disgusted by her narration.

I became irritated as she chatted away with
a certain sense of eagerness as to what transpired
during her time at the doctor's house. I couldn't
stop her as I wanted myself to hear everything. I
needed to hear all the gory details.

"Dr. Dinesh came to me with lust that first
night. He practically ripped off my clothes, had his
greedy mouth on mine and just shoved his dick into me.
He was just fucking me like an animal. It was
painful. I thought to myself that what did I get
into. But I kept brave for my mother's sake, " she

"You are not getting any sympathy from me,"
I said.

She ignored my comments. "His hands would
grab my breasts. He was very rough with them. He
pulled at my nipples. His greedy mouth sucked on them
hard. His fingers played with my pussy. He knew
where my clit was and played with it. That first
night, he did it to me four times. The worst part is
the way he looked deep into my eyes everytime he
pushed his dick into me. I couldn't stop thinking
that this man would be my father's age and he was
fucking me." My wife's nipples became more pronounced
underneath the chemise as she continued talking. "At
that point, I didn't like the doctor. Then he left
for work and I got some sleep. When I woke up, I had
no idea where my clothes were kept. Then one of the
maids came, gave me a robe and showed me where they
were. I went downstairs for my breakfast where I
bumped into his son."

"He had children?" I inquired.

"Just one son, " she said. "He was my age
but he was very rude. He just stared at me angrily.
Didn't say a single word." Kamal stretched her arms
making her nipples still more pronounced. "My mother
was in the intensive care unit that first week right
after the surgery. I couldn't get to see her much but
I still stayed at the hospital all day. That second
night was pretty much the same as the first. He was
like a kid with a new toy. He wanted me in every
which way. He made me parade up and down in his
bedroom naked. He had me spread my legs apart. He
sat there staring at it. Then he would grab me, pin
me under his body, and shove his dick in me. Another
night of intense fucking."

"Looks like you were enjoying yourself," I

My wife ignored my remarks again. "Dr.
Dinesh left early as usual. I slept on as I was too
exhausted. Then the sheets got pulled away and I
began shouting at the idiot maid who couldn't see that
I was sleeping. I wasn't wearing anything but I
couldn't care less until I opened my eyes and saw
Rajiv, the son, just staring at my body with an evil
grin," my wife narrated.

"Don't tell me you had sex with the son,
too," I said. I could feel the acid in my stomach

"Everyday after his father left for work,"
Kamal answered my question. "After he pulled the
sheets out, he took his clothes off and got on the
bed. He has a great body. His dick was big and
strong. He put his mouth on my breasts and sucked
them. He went back and forth on each breast, then he
started kissing his way down my stomach all the way to
my pussy. He licked my pussy. His own father's semen
was dripping out and he was licking it up. It felt
strange. Finally he positioned me doggy style on his
father's bed and slid his dick into me. After he
ejaculated, he left."

"Why didn't you have sex with all the
relatives while
you are at it. The son had nothing to do with the
agreement. You could have resisted," I said.

"If I resisted, I would have been raped
anyway. The police would side with the influential
doctor, not with me, " Kamal said. "Anyway, the son
fucked me every morning after his father left home.
He told me not to tell his father and I didn't, but I
think his father knew anyway."

"So you slept with the father and the son.
else?" I asked.

"Looks like you want to hear all the
details," she said.

"Don't I deserve to," I replied. I knocked
the salt shaker down, spilling a few granules on the

"You're right, " my wife said. She had that
certain expression that made her so irresistable.
"One day, a week later, I waited in bed as I did every
morning for Rajiv, but to my surprise he wasn't alone
that morning. He had come with his two cousins who
were just teenagers. He pulled out the sheet to show
them my body. I was so embarrassed. They were
staring at my pussy and my breasts. After that
initial embarrassment, I just let them stare. I could
see they all had a bulge in their pants. They were
all hard for me. So I stood up."

"You stood up naked in front of them?" I
asked. I felt myself getting an erection. If I stood
up, she could see it through the thin fabric of my

"I don't know what happened. It felt good
to be naked and to be watched. So I walked among them
and asked them to feel me up. Rajiv had his hands
over me first to show his cousins how it was done.
They'd never seen a live naked woman and it felt
unbelievable as they touched me. They were exploring
me," Kamal said. She stood up and placed her cereal
in the fridge. She sat back down and asked, "Do you
want to hear more?"

"I must hear everything," I replied. "Did
you fuck the teenage cousins?"

"Not that first day with them," she
answered. "After they felt me up, Rajiv told them to
take off their pants. He asked them if they would
like to have their penises put into my mouth. He
assured them that it would feel very nice. Those kids
were ready to spurt anytime. Their young cocks were
oozing with pre-cum. I got on my knees on that
hardwood floor and grabbed the older one's balls in my
hand. I licked off his pre- cum. With just two
strokes, he practically flooded my mouth. It was all
over my chin. There were huge globs on my breasts and
lots more on the floor. I got a bunch of paper towels
and cleaned up the mess while they watched me. The
younger one was so excited with anticipation, his cock
was twitching every which way. As I approached his
cock and started to feel it in my hands, he just
spurted all over the place. Rajiv was laughing and
the young boy was so embarrassed that he had
ejaculated with just my touching his dick."

"What else did the doctor do to you, " I
asked. I had a raging hard- on. I dared not stand up.
My wife exciting those teenage boys had a certain
effect on me.

"Eventually it had become pretty much a
routine. He would fuck me once or twice every night.
He would watch me take a shower first. He would have
a glass of Johnie Walker in his hands and sip on his
drink as I soaped myself. Usually I would start the
evening by sucking his dick and then before he comes
into my mouth, he would plunge his hard dick into my

"Thanks for being so descriptive, " I
muttered. I was having serious doubts about my
marriage lasting. "You mentioned that the doctor also
included other men that you had to perform sexually
with." I couldn't use the word 'fuck'.

"Oh... Yes. The doctor invited his three
friends every Friday night for 'teen pati'. They would
drink their scotch with water, munch on spicy cashews
and play cards," Kamal said.

"Were you the prize?" I asked. 'Teen pati'
was the Indian version of poker played with three
cards instead of five.

"Oh. No. I was the entertainment," my wife
replied. "I had to remove all my clothes in front of
them. They would whistle, cheer and call me a whore
and other unmentionable things. I had to play with
them while they played cards. I sat on their laps and
grinded my butt into their erections. They put their
hands on my tits and their fingers in my pussy. Then
when one could not hold any longer, he would take me
to the bedroom, put on a condom and fuck me like a
whore. The others would continue playing. Then we
would return back to the card table. He would resume
playing and I would get fingered and groped all over

"How many times were you taken to the
bedroom," I asked.

"About eight or nine times and that was just
his three buddies. They treated me like a whore. All
three of them offered me money in private to have sex
with them at other times," she answered.

"Did you accept their offers?" I asked.

"No way. I did what I did for my mother and
not for money," Kamal replied. She stood up to open
the window behind her. The way her little panties
hugged her tight smooth buttocks made me jealous of
all those uncouth men who had taken advantage of

"Why did you fuck the cousins?" I asked. I
finally used the f- word.

"Rajiv came back with his cousins during the
last days of my stay. He wanted them to experience
this ultimate act that would make them into men. I
obliged," my wife said.

"Is that all you want to say?" I asked. A
slight breeze brushed my face.

"Yes," she replied.

"You had sex with seven different men and
you want my forgiveness and acceptance," I said.

"I am hoping that you can understand the
circumstances that made me do this. I didn't go out
and do this because I wanted to," Kamal countered.

I spoke loudly. "Let me tell you something.
If I was forced into a situation like you were, I
would not actively participate or reciprocate in these
sex acts. I expected you to resist by not
participating. You could have lied down submissively
and let them do what they wanted. But golly from what
you told me, you actually wanted to fuck around."

"It is not that simple. I had no choice.
If I didn't reciprocate, they would have treated me
worse and made me do humiliating and hedious things,"
my wife responded.

I had to ask the question that gnawed at me
all morning. "Why are you telling me this? I would
have never known."

" Well...Dr.Dinesh is coming to San Diego for
a conference," Kamal said.

"So what has that got to do with us."

"He expects to stay with us," Kamal said.
She twirled her ring around her finger.

"Have you told him that would not be
appropriate?" I asked. I stared at her well
manicured nails.

"No, because he is still monitoring my
mother and carefully adjusting her medication for her
recovery," my wife replied. She glanced away from me.

"So where would we put up the distinguished
doctor?" I asked.

"He expects to sleep in our bed with me,"
she replied.

"You're kidding me right!" I shouted. I
thought my veins would pop. "I am sure you happily
agreed to this arrangement. Well, I'm sorry but I am
not going to allow it."

"He put it plainly that if my mother doesn't
receive the proper medication, she would not recover.
He expects full cooperation from you and me," my wife

"So while you fornicate, I sleep on the
couch outside. Is that the arrangement he planned?" I
questioned. Morning had turned in afternoon.

"Not exactly. He expects you to be in the
bedroom and watch, " replied my wife.

I had expected the distinguished Dr. Dinesh
to be a tall handsome impeccably dressed man. I
couldn't believe that he was actually sitting down on
our sofa in the living room of our third floor
apartment and I was playing the good host. Dr. Dinesh
was balding, overweight, sloppily dressed and he had
his arms around my lovely sexy wife, Kamal.

I judged men by their socks. If someone's
socks covered feet began to emanate an unmentionable
odor, he definitely got a failing grade. If they had
holes, the pair did not match and the elastic that
held it over the ankles were worn out, the score
didn't improve. Dr. Dinesh failed miserably in my
test. How did Kamal stand to be near this man.

"Kamal is a very sexual woman. You are a
lucky man," the doctor said. He munched on a tortilla

I mumbled, " Thank you." It was not the
answer I wanted to give. I went to the kitchen to fix
myself a drink.

"Such a nice beautiful body your wife has.
I really missed it. The way she was so proud of it
and always willing to please," Dr. Dinesh said as I
walked back into the living room. "Isn't that true,
Kamal?" His hand was massaging her breast right in
front of my eyes.

"I did my best to please you," my wife

The doctor had arrived just half an hour
ago and he was wasting no time. Kamal seemed to have
snuggled closer. She wore a knit top with spaghetti
straps sans bra and the doctor took advantage of this.
His hand easily slipped inside and his fingers were
actually touching and fondling my wife's nipples. My
wife looked straight at me as she enjoyed the

This was all happening too fast. "Dr.
Dinesh, would you like to take a shower to freshen up
from your long trip?" I asked hoping that he would
remove his hand from her tits. I wanted to prolong
the inevitable.

Still groping my wife's tits, he said,
"That's a wonderful idea, Anoop." To my wife, he
said, "Kamal, we shall bathe together like old times."

My wife never mentioned sharing the shower
with the doctor while in India. I tried to have eye
contact with Kamal but she looked the other way.

"Forgive my manners," the doctor said to
Kamal. "Please ask your husband to come and watch

I stood frozen. Never before have I felt
such a loss of control. I wanted my wife to resist
this man. I wanted to know that she was still for me.

He nudged her to say something. "Anoop,
would you please watch me bathe Dr. Dinesh?" she said.
She didn't seem to say it reluctantly.

I glared into Kamal's face. She knew that
was all I could do. I mumbled, " OK." I felt
powerless. This was going to be a very long week.

Like in most apartments, our bathroom was
cozy. With another stiff drink in my hands, I put the
lid down and sat on the pot.

My wife was giggling in our bedroom. She
and the doctor were there together removing their
clothes. I kept gulping down my drink. My wife
entered first followed by the doctor right behind her.
His semi-erect pecker gently poking her young
well-formed buttocks as they walked in. As she turned
on the shower adjusting the temperature, he groped my
wife's smaller than average but perky breasts. She
submitted totally to his fondling and even turned
slightly so that he could access them better. To my
surprise, my wife turned her head up and let out a

"Women are more sensitive to another man's
touch than that of their own husband's. No matter how
much they deny, they prefer to have a variety of men,"
the doctor said. His cock had grown bigger. It was
as long as mine but definitely broader in girth.

My wife had an awesome body but being naked
in front of this doctor, she looked enticing. Her
flat tummy smoothing its way to the triangular patch
was a sight that would bring lust even in the holiest
of men.

"Would you like the usual?" Kamal asked the
doctor. She did not pay any attention to me.

"Definitely, " he spoke with a strong accent
pivoting his head from side to side, an affirmative
gesture in South Asia. He carefully sat down on the
side of the tub and opened his legs. As my wife
turned off the shower, I studied the doctor's penis,
its veins and its ridges. It looked menacingly at me.
That piece of meat had been in my wife's pussy at
least fifty times from her accounts. It had shown its
ugly head again, literally.

"Doctor, sahib. I really love your dick,"
Kamal said. She was on her knees, her face inches
away from his purplish organ. She held it with
familiarity, stroking the underside of the organ with
the web between her forefinger and thumb. The other
hand cradled his balls while her fingers like
tentacles pleasured the skin surrounding the sac
including occasional forays into his anal orifice.

"Stop," I said. It came out as a squeeky
croak. "Stop it, for God's sake."

The doctor, sitting naked on my tub,
laughed. "My dear Anoop. Your wife is doing this
with her own free will. There is nothing to stop," he

My voice hadn't recovered. "That's a lie, "
I said. My palms were clammy.

Kamal was still facing the doctor's erect
penis. It seemed she wanted to get back to her task,
waiting for the interuption to pass.

"I gather Kamal hadn't told you certain
things. She thought you wouldn't be able to handle
it," the doctor said. "When your mother in law was
released from the hospital, I told Kamal that she had
completed her obligation. I told her that she could
go back to her mother and to her husband waiting in
America. But as you know, your wife had stayed about
a month after her mother returned back home from the
hospital. In that month, she came back everynight to
me,to submit her body."

"Kamal, what is the doctor saying?" I

"She was eager even to go back to my buddies
on Friday nights. She was treated like a whore and
loved it," the doctor spoke.

"That's not true," I mumbled half- heartedly.
I felt dizzy.

Glad that the interuption was over, Kamal
gingerly licked up the oozing precum from the tip of
his rod. She held the base of his cock with her hand
and began sucking on his rod with enthusiasm that I
had not seen from her. My wife never enjoyed sucking
my cock and did it half-heartedly only upon my
persistent requests.

"Enough," the doctor said pushing my
wife's head from his pecker. My wife got off her
knees, bent forward with her hands against the tiled
wall for support. Her perfect ass was waiting for his
well lubricated dick.

Well my wife did mention that the doctor
would never let her finish the blowjob. He always
wanted to cum inside her pussy. At least that was the
truth. Seeing his semen on her lips and chin was a
sight I was not prepared for.

"Um," my wife mouthed as I watched for the
first time another man penetrate his dick into my
wife's pussy. I was frozen. Kamal was enjoying this
too much. He was slipping his wide body jet with
authority, grinding it deep into her hidden flesh
feeling its enveloping warmth that was once only for

Still I hoped that this was a dream. I was
not willing to register what my eyes witnessed and my
ears heard: the grunting from the doctor, the
succulent moans from my wife, his balls slapping my
wife's flesh as he thrusted himself in and her willful

Like a jackhammer, the doctor pounded my
wife. I poured the rest of my drink down my throat,
anxiously waiting for the elusive numbness. I was
determined to survive these next days and to get the
doctor ten thousand miles away from my life.

I believed that my wife's moaning was an act
to please the doctor, to show him that he was a good
lover. Even that hope was shattered as I realized my
wife's body tensed and twisted in a fashion that I had
only seen a handful of times in my two years of
marriage. My wife had a hard time climaxing and here
she was going to do just that in front of my eyes.

"Oh, fuck me. Don't stop," my wife said
between her moans. She had never talked dirty to me.
Her breasts jiggled deliciously as the pounding from
the doctor continued without abatement.

Being bent over with her legs slightly
apart, her body rippled with convulsions at the moment
of truth. I had never felt so inadequate in my life
before. The doctor kept pounding away.

I wanted to ask the doctor when will he
deposit his seed into my very willing wife. But I
kept quiet and waited for this event to take place. I
was tired sitting on the pot watching my wife being
taken by another man that I was actually glad when Dr.
Dinesh finally ejaculated. My wife stayed bent over
just to humiliate me further with the sight of his
spunk oozing out around her labia.

"Anoop, your wife wants to show you how much
she has enjoyed herself," Dr. Dinesh said with a
laugh. His penis still erect glistened with Kamal's

"Why are you doing this to me?" I pleaded to
the doctor. My wife had turned on the shower again.

"You are taking this personally, my friend.
Kamal was like a flower waiting to bloom. But she
never knew what energy was being imprisoned deep
within her soul. You didn't have the key and you were
keeping her like a caged animal because you didn't
know any better, " the doctor said.

"We don't need you to save us, especially if
it means making my wife into a slut, " I countered.
Kamal was in the shower and was beckoning the doctor
to come in.

"I am saving her and she wants to be saved,"
the doctor said as he joined my wife in the shower.

The intimacy displayed in the shower
sickened me, my wife's young flawless body caressing
the middle-aged body of the doctor. She was washing
him with a tenderness she definitely lacked for me. I
felt I was a nobody.

"Why are you staying in this marriage?" I
asked Kamal later that evening. She wore her sexiest
and shortest black satin robe and nothing else. The
doctor and I were sitting on the sofa while Kamal
prepared us some hot Indian tea.

"Because I love you and you are my dear
husband," she replied. Her face looked radiant. It
seemed that the good hard fucking from the doctor made
her more beautiful.

"Your words and your actions are worlds
apart," I said as she handed me the tea. With every
step she took, her well trimmed triangular patch was

"You really are an engineer. You see
everything as either black or white," Dr. Dinesh
said. He was relaxed and in high spirits.

"Do you expect me to stick around in this
marriage?" I questioned my wife. She sat down. The
thin fabric did not hide her hardened nipples.

"I wish you would. I love you dearly, " she

"Then why are you being a slut?" I asked.

"Because you don't know what a woman
wants," Dr. Dinesh answered for my wife.

"Kamal, answer me. Why have you become a
slut?" I asked again.

"She had found something that she was
missing. I don't think she can explain it to you,"
Dr. Dinesh interjected again.

"Bullshit," I replied.

It was definitely cramp on our queen size
bed. Kamal dispensed her little piece of lingerie
that she was wearing and squeezed herself between the
doctor and myself. I was ignored as her naked body
gave its full attention to the equally naked doctor.
Jolts of jealousy ran through me whenever her smooth
body brushed against mine.

"I want to be on top," Kamal whispered
between tender kisses. I wanted to turn away, but I
didn't. I watched as she straddled him. She moved up
and down riding his strong cock. With every stride,
she swayed rhythemically, tossing her hair. The sight
would have been very erotic, if it wasn't my wife
acting like a pure slut.

"Kamal's breasts are a joy to fondle," Dr.
Dinesh said as he was enjoying my wife's eager moves.
His hands were playing with her mammary glands.

I finally turned away and buried my head
under my pillow. I tried to sleep and I may have
dozed off a couple of times throughout the night. I
counted without enthusiasm three sessions of
lovemaking. Surprisingly my wife had an orgasm on all
the sessions.

As I left for work, groggy from lack of
sleep, I glanced one more time at my sleeping naked
wife, cuddling the middle-aged body of the doctor.

"Good morning, " Dr Dinesh said as I walked
out of my bedroom.

The next few days were crucial days in the
completion of my employer's multi- million dollar
project. I could only get home around 9:00 p.m. I
made several calls home to my wife but she would not
divulge much about anything. When I did come home, I
was certain they had started their activities before I
arrived which proceeded well into the night on our
queen sized bed.

Spells of depression overwhelmed me
everyday. The only thing that held me together was
the fact that the doctor was leaving in three more
days. Other than that, the fact that my wife was able
to reach an orgasm every time she was fucked by the
doctor troubled me.

On Friday night, I arrived home earlier.
As I turned the key on my apartment door, I heard the
animated conversations among men. My stomach turned.
As I entered, I immediately noticed Anil Sharma
sitting with Dr. Dinesh. The other man, I didn't
recognize but I immediately categorized as someone
without the best intentions for me.

"Anoop, my friend," Anil said. "I didn't
know you were acquainted with Dr. Dinesh. Did you
know that we go a long way back?" His grin was evil.

"I am not surprised," I responded. I was
relieved to see Kamal had her clothes on, preparing
snacks and drinks in the kitchen. She didn't wear her
bra though and the shape of her breasts with the
protrusion of her nipples was clearly evident for all
to see.

"This is Mr. Gopalji," Dr. Dinesh
introduced me to the other man. "He runs a very
successful mail order business right here in San

I shook his hand and sat down on the table
with the three men figuring out their intentions.
Anil Sharma, I knew was no good. His acclaim to
noteriety was well known among our small circle of
Indians living in San Diego. After all the abuse she
took, no one understood why Anil's wife had stayed so
long before leaving her husband.

"Please join us for 'teen pati', " Anil
said. His sinister moustache wiggled as he spoke.
Anil produced a pack of cards as Kamal placed three
glasses of scotch whiskey with water.

"Dr. Dinesh, would you mind having this
game at Mr. Anil's residence or Mr. Gopalji's
residence?" I asked. I didn't want Anil Sharma to
know the activities that has happened in this
apartment these last five days.

"Kamal invited my friends here and it
would be impolite to have them leave, " Dr. Dinesh
said. He was shuffling the cards.

"Well, alright, " I said. I had no idea why
I was not putting a fight. Kamal had probably twenty
orgasms in the last five days and in my two years of
marriage, I could only remember giving her that
pleasure four times.

"Come, join us, " Dr. Dinesh said as he dealt
me three cards. I had a drink poured out for me and I
gulped it down.

"Come sit here, " Gopalji commanded my wife.
His hands were patting his thighs.

Anil Sharma was studying my face for any
reaction as Kamal sat down on the middle-aged
gentleman's thighs. He seemed amused that I had
become nothing more than a cuckold.

"You're a good man, Anoop," Anil said. He
won the first hand.

Gopalji place his hand between my wife's
legs right at her crotch. Kamal didn't attempt to
remove his hand and sat on his lap rhythmically
swaying her buttock over his stiffening rod. I hoped
her black polyester boot-cut pants will remain on her
throughout the evening, but I wasn't counting on it.

"That feels good," Kamal moaned as Gopalji's
hands were inside her sheer top feeling her little

"Her breasts are very bouncy, nice to hold
and grab," Dr. Dinesh commented.

It didn't matter that I won the next two
hands. Probably I was the only one concentrating on
the game. My face had become contorted into a scowl,
a look of humiliation and helplessness.

My wife looked vibrant. She tingled with
electricity, an excitement that stirred somewhere deep
within her legs. She peeled off her pants and her
thong and practically jumped on Anil Sharma. Her
pussy and her tight butt has now been exposed to these
men and news of what was going to take place would
definitely spread far and wide. I knew I will be the
laughing stock of our tight knit society in San Diego.

Dr. Dinesh and Gopalji helped remove my
wife's top for Anil's benefit. "Wonderful, " he said
before mouthing a good portion of her breast. His
hands roamed up and down her smooth back. She,
meanwhile, grinded herself, like a professional

I was a coward. I allowed my wife to
become a slut. I wanted to hide as these men casually
and without fear began enjoying my wife's body.

"I cannot wait, " Kamal said as she proudly
walked without a single stitch of clothing into our
bedroom with Anil Sharma in tow.

I gulped down my second glass of the
potent liquor and played another round of 'teen pati'
with the doctor and Mr. Gopalji. In the meantime, my
wife was allowing Mr. Sharma to fuck her on our bed
and in our bedroom. My wife was moaning loudly so
that we could all hear as we sat on the table. Dr.
Dinesh had a big smile on his face.

"Anil is very clever in sex. He can get
women to have big orgasms. I just don't know how he
does it," Dr. Dinesh said. He folded his cards and
grabbed a handful of potato chips.

"I know. There is this oriental lady that
is always waiting for Anil outside his home wanting to
get fucked. He is always telling her to get lost, "
Gopalji said.

"I would imagine that Kamal would keep
going back to Anil, " Dr. Dinesh said. He flipped a
winning hand on the table.

Great! I was losing in the card game,
knowing my wife was having sex with a notorious man
and worst of all, she was moaning louder than she did
even with Dr. Dinesh. My world was quickly swallowing
me up. I hoped Gopalji was terrible in sex. I
couldn't take anymore humiliation today.

"Why don't you go, see and learn
something," Dr. Dinesh suggested.

Like a defeated man, I stood up and
proceeded to my bedroom hoping that the door was
locked. Part of me wanted to see but the rest of me
would probably be unable to handle it. The knob
turned and I saw my wife on the bed in the midst of
passion. Anil was penetrating his monster deep into
my wife. She had her calves over his shoulder and her
pussy raised for maximum penetration. I stood outside
the open door watching my wife stripping every last
ounce of dignity left in me.

There was no acknowledgement of my presence.
I was just an outsider to them. My head was spinning
and I closed the door softly. Back at the table, I
picked up my cards.

For no better word, it was a 'shriek' that
emanated from Kamal's attractive mouth. The hairs in
my body all stood on ends. We all knew that she
experienced the ultimate sensation magnified ten-fold.
Worse than that, I expected my neighbors to rush in
any moment, wondering what unholy act just took place.

Anil emerged like a triumphant gladiator
wrapped in my terry cloth robe. The smirk on his face
was an ugly sight to see. "She will take some time to
recover," he said.

"Well, I hope she does," Gopalji said. I
couldn't figure out whether that was a wise-crack or
his selfish concern. The cards were being dealt

Kamal emerged in a daze. Her hair was
tousled and she walked passed us straight to the sofa.
She had nothing on. When she sat, her legs were
apart. Spunk like molten lava was creeping its way
to the upholstery. The men ignored her but I kept
glancing her way.

The men were immersed in the card game.
The bets were getting higher. My winnings were
getting sporadic. I didn't notice Kamal was sitting
on Gopalji. Her arms were around his neck. The game
went on.

"Let's fuck now, " Kamal was whispering.

Gopalji was on a streak. He ignored my
wife's sweet requests until he got a couple of losing
hands. Then they left together to the bedroom.

"Do you want me to come over or would you
rather have Kamal come to my home?" Anil asked. He
was shuffling the deck of cards.

"What are you talking about?" I said. My
voice sounded squeeky.

"Kamal will need me and I don't want to
make things difficult for her, " he replied.

I folded. I got the worst cards
possible, a two, a three and a five of different
colors. My wife's moans weren't as loud as half an
hour ago. She was enjoying another man's penis
shovings its way into her insides right now and I
realized that whatever I said would have made no

"Kamal will come back to her senses," I

"She has come to her senses," the doctor

There may have been words to say or
actions to take. As long as my wife wanted these men,
I was powerless. I didn't even have enough dignity to
leave my wife.

So I played on while my wife was
alternated by Anil Sharma and Gopalji. In the end
each of them had taken her three times and they left
satisfied with promises of further sessions.

"Let's take a shower," my wife said to Dr.

I ended up doing the dishes and cleaning
up the kitchen area. They went straight to our bed
after drying themselves off. When I finished getting
the apartment in order, I went to lie down next to my
wife with the doctor on top of her, sliding his prick
into her. Soon I managed to fall asleep.

The doctor finally left on Sunday. I
didn't know what to say or do with her anymore. Kamal
wore a little short skirt that beautifully accentuated
her thighs. I used to love when other men became
jealous of my having such a beautiful wife but now I
felt it was a curse. It was strange now to be alone
with her in the apartment. We ate dinner in silence.
I did the dishes.

Kamal broke the silence. She had a handbag
strapped to her shoulders and the car keys in her
hands. "I'm going to Anil's house. Don't wait for
me," she said.

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