
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chain-Snatchers are making a mockery of thousands of Policemen around us!

In spite of thousands of heavily armed Policemen on every road,lane, nook and corner of the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad  and all over Telangana, the incidents of thievessnatching gold chains from women folk has become very common.  With the price of gold on the rise and the enthusiasm,dedication and sole concentration of the Policemen on curbing the ongoingagitation, the Chain-Snatchers are having a field day. Yesterday evening, atabout 7:30 PM when my friend and his wife were in the busy Begumpet area on theopposite side of Stoppers Shop, thieves on a Motorbike approached them and violentlypulled out his wife’s Mangalasutram-gold chain and rode away. The incidentcaused a minor but painful neck injury to her and a loss of very sentimentalgold Mangalasutram, weighing 70 grams.   
I really do not know what the Policemen are doing to preventsuch crime, which is a great cause of worry to each and every girl and woman,as they are bound to have on them some amount of gold jewellery. My mother is avictim of such theft in broad daylight in front of our house at about 10:30 AMon 10th June 2004. She lost 11 Tolas that is 110 grams of gold which is worthabout Rs. 2.90 Lakhs today. I have produced below the Police Station’s FIR –First Information Report, giving details of this theft. Another reason forproducing the FIR here is to let readers who have never seen an FIR before to getan idea about it. My mother’s complaint was given hand written and in Telugu,but what you see in the FIR is in English and not entirely a true translation.
What exactly happened that day and is reported to the Police isas follows: Two well built men posing as Policemen confronted my mother who wasthen 85 years old on the busy road in front of our house. They cautioned hernot to move out with gold jewellery as there are thieves on the prowl in thisarea. And in spite of her resistance, they insisted that she take off her jewellery– a gold chain and 4 gold bangles, then they packed the jewellery in a piece ofpaper and asked her to tie it to the pallu of her sari and go home safely. Soonafter that my mother came home and when she opened the packet in front of usthere was only a piece of flat and round stone in it! Immediately we rushed outof the house along with my mother to trace the thieves but in vain. We thenapproached the Police.
They initially gave us hope of tracing the thieves and restoringthe ornaments to us but ultimately they did nothing in all these 7 years. I donot know whether thieves are ever caught, and if caught what happens to themand the recovered jewellery. But when it comes to even peaceful rallies bystudents, women or men to demonstrate against injustices done to them and theirregion which are not being addressed by the authorities for decades, they areviolently prevented from protesting, arrested, tortured and criminal casesfiled against them. May be they are right from their point of view but as longas I see their inhuman behavior on TV, the unabated chain-snatching spree andthe dumb response to our complaint against theft of 11 Tolas of gold I cannever form a good opinion about them.

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