
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Greet Brihaspati and “Make-A-Wish”, it shall be fulfilled!

Today on the auspicious day of KarthikaPournami we were able to see the mostbeneficial planet Jupiter that is Brihaspati, bright and beautiful. We enjoyedwatching the Full Moon and Jupiter from atop the hillock at Keesara the abodeof Lord Sri Ramalingeshwara Swamy, a very important place of pilgrimage andalso from our house. The above photographs are of these sightings. The photosconvey very little of the dazzling views we have witnessed.
It is very strongly believed that when you sight Brihaspati /Jupiter and make a wish; it would be fulfilled! According to Hindu mythology,Brihaspati is the teacher of Gods. Hence in Vedic astrology, Brihaspati isreferred as Devaguru or Guru. Thursday is named after Brihaspati the Guru asGuruvar or Guruvaramu. In astrological predictions Brihaspati is a goodindicator of fortune, wealth, luck, fame, wisdom, devotion, compassion, spiritualityand morality. When one is passing through a bad phase in life several remediesare suggested for pleasing Brihaspati and other planets to bring about goodtimes. 

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