
Monday, July 23, 2012

Hottest Girl 03

hottest girl

How to get the hottest girls. Wow wouldn't that be great, the hottest most beautiful, most gorgeous woman out there eating out of your hand. Well if you have dreamed about that, and thought it was out of reach. I have good news for you. It is totally in reach, and if you're reading this you can have the most desired women out there.

hottest girl

You're probably wondering how is that going to happen. The girls I want don't want me, and the ones who do want me I don't want. If you are thinking that, then I can say I was once in your shoes. It seems like you need to be rich as Donald Trump, and as attractive as Brad Pitt to get the type of women that are being described here. Well there are attractive guys who can't score because they are too nice. They find themselves in the friend zone all too often. As far as rich, there was a news story done by a TV station in San Francisco where a guy teaches other guys who are super successful (making 6 figures a year) how to meet women.

hottest girl

The point I'm making is that looks, and or money don't guarantee that you'll get any women at all, much less a super hot women. At this point you're probably thinking, well if that does not work what are you supposed to do? You might not be attractive, or rich. It doesn't matter as much as you may think.

hottest girl

If you ever saw a guy who didn't have 2 nickels to rub together with a hot girl (I know I did), then that means a lack of money doesn't automatically rule you out. If you ever saw a butt ugly guy with a hot woman, then that means being ugly doesn't automatically rule you out. At the end of the day whether you have, or do not have looks, or money. It does not guarantee, or exclude you either way.

hottest girl

hottest girl

hottest girl

hottest girl

hottest girl

hottest girl

hottest girl

hottest girl

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