
Monday, August 13, 2012

Kim Kardashian Body Wallpaper

kim kardashian body

When it comes to the way you dress, there is only one thing that separates you from your favorite Hollywood celebrity. That one thing isn't the amount of money spent on clothing; nor is it the fact that she likely has a full time stylist! The biggest difference between you and her is that she has (thanks to her stylist) mastered the art of understanding how to dress for her body type!

kim kardashian body

When we shop, we tend to buy impulsively. We see a dress in our favorite color and never once do we stop and say - is the cut and shape of this dress flattering to my figure? We ignore this vital step in the clothing selection process because we simply don't know to do it!

kim kardashian body

The hourglass body shape is the most coveted of all the female body types. You have full bosoms, curvy hips a round butt, and proportionately small waistline. Of all the body types, the hourglass is one that looks good in just about anything.

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